
All about local listing


What does 'Listing' mean?

Listing marks and celebrates a building's special architectural and historic interest, and also brings it under the consideration of the planning system, so that it can be protected for future generations. 

The older a building is, and the fewer the surviving examples of its kind, the more likely it is to be listed. 

There is a National List, which you may be familiar with – buildings can be assigned to Grade I or Grade II and this affects the rules that apply. You can see which buildings in Southwark are on the National List here.

What is a Local List?

A Local List is made up of buildings or structures which are not listed at national level but are important to local people in Southwark. This importance can come from a special architectural or historic interest or from an entry having value in the local townscape or as part of a group.

Criteria for Local Listing

Age and rarity 
Buildings and structures of all ages can be added to the Local List. However, we will apply the selection criteria more strictly to more modern buildings.  

Most of the buildings in Southwark date to the expansion of London to the south during the 19th century. Buildings and structures dating to before this expansion are rare and worthy of consideration. 

Aesthetic Value and Landmark Status 
This consideration is based on the intrinsic design value and architectural interest of a building or structure, relating to local styles, materials or any other distinctive local characteristics. A building with strong community or historical associations, or one that has especially striking artistic value, may be singled out as a landmark within the local scene worthy of Local Listing. 

Group Value 
Under this consideration, entries should contribute to a group of buildings or structures with a clear visual, design or historic relationship. For example, much of the 19th century development of Southwark was based upon numerous landowners developing their land holdings, some of which, such as the Trinity Estate are Listed, almost in their entirety; other estates are Conservation Areas, for example the Pullens Estate, and others have been impacted by later development.
Historic, Evidential, Communal and Social Values 
The entry may have historical associations of local significance such as links to important local figures. For example, the Council manages a scheme of Blue Plaques which are nominated by and voted for by the general public. Buildings and sites which have been nominated and successfully selected as part of this scheme should be included on the Local List if they are not already Listed. Other local plaque schemes might also be eligible. 

Places of interest to particular communities and social groups can also be worthy of local listing as it contributes to local identify, distinctiveness and collective memory of place. 

Archaeological Interest 
The site may provide evidence about past human activity in the locality, which may be in the form of buried remains or revealed in the structure of buildings or designed landscape. Archaeological interests are primary sources of evidence about the substance and evolution of places, and of the people and cultures that made them.
Designed Landscaping 
Southwark’s parks, landscapes and other open spaces could be worthy of Local Listing under this criterion if their design is of significance. Southwark has several Registered Parks and Gardens. Features associated with these important heritage assets, such as gates, railings, walls, pavilions, bandstands, bridges, walled gardens and water features could be suggested for inclusion on the Local List. Southwark has several parks and open spaces which are also of heritage value and can reflect earlier settlement patterns, such as areas of designated common, village greens or former churchyards.

Further reading

Heritage Supplementary Planning Document (2021)

Heritage SPD (2021).pdf
Heritage SPD (2021).pdf

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